As a parent, sending your child to Child Care is a significant step in their socialization and preparation for school. While we expect them to have fun, make friends, and learn important social skills, some parents can be caught off guard when a child bites another child. Biting is a common behavioral issue and it’s essential to understand why it happens and how to address it.

Why Do Children Bite?

  1. Communication Difficulties: Many young children have not developed the verbal skills to express their needs and emotions. Biting can become a way to communicate frustration, fear, or desire for attention.
  2. Teething: Infants and toddlers experience discomfort and pain while teething. Biting may provide some relief.
  3. Exploratory Behavior: For some children, biting is a form of exploration, they are learning cause and effect.
  4. Imitation: Children often mimic the behavior of others. If they witness biting, they may try it themselves.
  5. Stress or Anxiety: Environmental changes, separation anxiety, or other stressors can trigger biting as a coping mechanism. This can also be classified under communication – as they are trying to communicate their frustration.

Addressing Biting Behavior

  1. Communication: Open communication between parents and childcare providers is crucial. Be sure to inform a child’s caregivers about any potential triggers or concerns that may contribute to biting behavior. In turn, childcare providers must keep parents updated on any known biting incidents.
  2. Teach alternative ways to Communicate: Encourage children to express feelings through words or gestures. Childcare staff should assist by helping children articulate their needs and emotions.
  3. Supervision and Intervention: Childcare providers will intervene if they notice a child becoming aggressive or showing signs of biting behavior. Early intervention can prevent biting incidents. The details of such interventions are beyond the scope of this blog but are effective in most cases.
  4. Positive Reinforcement: Praise and reward children when they exhibit appropriate behavior. Positive reinforcement can be a powerful motivator for children.
  5.  Consistency: Ensure that discipline and responses to biting are consistent between home and child care. Children benefit from clear boundaries and consistent consequences for their actions.

Biting in the childcare setting is a challenging issue, but it is a fairly common developmental phase for many children. Understanding the reasons behind this behavior and addressing it with a combination of communication, education, and positive reinforcement can help children learn appropriate ways to express themselves and interact with their peers. By working together with childcare providers and taking a proactive approach, it is possible to navigate this phase and support a child’s social and emotional development.

At The Elevon, we have extensive experience working with children who possess an inclination for biting and can discuss your concerns and the best path to curb your child’s biting tendencies. It is reassuring, however, to know that the vast majority of biters grow out of it in a few months.

Please feel free to reach out to us directly at if you have any further questions.

This blog is provided for information and educational purposes only and does not constitute legal advice. Please contact The Elevon for additional information.